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Car Security Articles and Reviews

Petrol stations top list of unlocked car hotspots
Petrol stations have emerged as the clear leader in a list of locations drivers are most likely to knowingly leave their car unlocked at, according to new figures released today from insurer AAMI. Of the one in 20 Australians (5%) who admit to regularly leaving their car unlocked, most (79%) say they do this at a petrol station. Completing the top five locations are ‘outside the home’ (70%), ‘inside the home garage’ (68%), ‘at work’ (52%) and ‘at the supermarket’ (34%). “There is a false perception that leaving your car unlocked for only a short time is less risky, but people forget it takes only seconds for a thief to jump in a vehicle and drive off,” said AAMI Corporate Affairs Manager, Selina O’Connor.
“We recommend people always lock their vehicle – even if they have the car parked in the front yard while
gardening – car thieves are cunning and know when a car owner’s guard is down,” said Ms O’Connor.
Of those who regularly leave their car unlocked at petrol stations, men are much more likely to do so than
women (83% versus 66%). Almost three times as many men as women leave their car unlocked at work (62%
versus 23%). However, of those who leave their car unlocked while at the supermarket, women are almost
twice as likely as men to do so (41% versus 23%).
The findings are reported with the help of independent research company Sweeney Research, which ensures the validity of the survey methodology and findings. The study is based on a national telephone survey conducted in 2006 using a representative and statistically valid sample^
of 2381 Australian adults in major population centres and regions across Australia.
According to AAMI claims data, Saturday is the most common day of the week for cars to be stolen.
The top ten car makes stolen# in Australia in 2005 were:
Car security features ignored
The AAMI survey found that one-third of Australians (34%) has a car alarm fitted to their vehicle, half (50%) has an immobiliser and almost half (47%) has a security-coded or partly/totally removable stereo system.
“Almost two-thirds of Australians (61%) say they don’t pay much attention to car alarms nowadays because
they often go off accidentally. Of the car owners who have car alarms fitted to their vehicle, almost half (48%)
don’t pay attention for this reason,” said Ms O’Connor. “Experience of a car break-in does not appear to change behaviour either ? of those who have had their car broken into or stolen, almost two-thirds (61%) said they don’t pay much attention when car alarms are going off,” said Ms O’Connor.
When they purchased their current vehicle, almost half of Australians (46%) surveyed did not investigate the
security features.
^ The survey does not include Western Australia as AAMI does not operate there. Except where stated, the survey explores respondents ’experiences of home security over their lifetime. AAMI’s research may differ from government and police sources, which typically examine a 12- month period. Also, smaller or unreported incidents may be captured in AAMI’s research and not by others. The confidence interval for this sample size is plus or minus 2%, which means that for the survey sample of 2381, if the observed percentage result is 50%, the chances are 95 in 100 that the range – 48-52% – includes the true percentage for the total Australian population.
# Calculated based on theft rate per 1000 polices insuring that make of vehicle.
“Three in ten people (29%) who have had their car stolen did not investigate the security features of their
current car, and half (52%) of those who have had their car maliciously damaged did not investigate their car’s security features,” said Ms O’Connor.
It appears that increased security does not mean increased peace of mind when parking the car. Two-thirds of people surveyed who have a car alarm, immobiliser, or other deterrent (65%) would be apprehensive about leaving their car parked in an unfamiliar street, versus just over half of those (56%) who don’t have any extra car security. “It is hard to know why people who have less car security are less anxious about parking in an unfamiliar street than those who have more security features on their cars, but whatever the reason there is a clear difference in the two groups,” said Ms O’Connor.
“Another factor influencing the incidence of car theft is that because around half of the nation’s cars are fitted with an immobiliser, the majority of thefts (70%) happen because thieves gain access to an original key. In other words, attaining motor vehicle keys is now critical for a successful theft.
“Keys should be treated like cash – if your car is at home unattended, make sure the keys are with you. If your home is broken into, and the keys are taken, you risk having your car taken too,” said Ms O’Connor.

Sydney, Australia - Car and motorcycle theft can be partly mollified by insurance, but there's the monetary outlay of an 'excess' payment and importantly for longtime owners, vehicle collectors and enthusiasts, sometimes a replacement doesn't cut the mustard.
Over 14,000 car owners had their vehicles stolen in Australia in 2006 according to figures from the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC), and the council also said that some 26 percent of motor vehicles stolen in 2006 were unrecovered for a net value of about $165 million.
Exotic, prestige and classic cars are often the target of car jackings and theft, but stealing a Ferrari in Sydney may prove more tricky for thieves as Italia Motori, a Sydney Ferrari dealership, has started using tracking technology to improve customer vehicle security.
Using a GPS-based tracking system, Italia Motori sells Ferraris fitted with the a tracking security system, which pinpoints a vehicle's location and enables speedy recovery if stolen.
It's not a cheap anti-theft device and necessitates a monthly subscription to pay for the tracking, but as Italia Motori's NSW sales manager Alan Hind explained, many owners consider their vehicles to be irreplaceable and will be more than willing to pay for peace of mind.
"Cars can of course be insured against theft, but these aren't everyday cars. The Ferraris we sell are highly personalised and highly prized possessions that have been built to an individual's tastes and requirements. They're like handmade suits," said Mr Hind.
"They can be replaced with another suit, but will never be the same."
Pointing to a second hand $400,000 F360 Challenge Stradale, Mr Hind said, "There is no equivalent of this 2004 model. It's a light-weight track-racing version of the standard road car, with a 300 km/h top speed. It has a more powerful engine, carbon ceramic brake rotors, 19-inch magnesium wheels and weighs 180 kilograms less. It is quite unique.
"Our customers have a very personal connection with their vehicles. We recommend vehicle tracking to them because it can provide their car's location at all times. This information is of course crucial if it goes missing," Mr Hind said.
Italia Motori's Alan Hind says vehicle tracking systems are a must for exotic car owners.

A Guide to... Petrol or Diesel?
Petrol or diesel? It’s a common question when people look to update their car.
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward. It depends on individual needs - and what sort of impact you want to make on the environment and public health.
Typically, diesel engines make more sense in trucks and in vehicles used for towing, because of the pulling power of the engine at low revs. Diesel engines can also deliver better economy, especially on the open road, so they are often well suited to motorists who do a lot of country driving.
But in most cases diesel-powered cars cost more to buy than the same car with a petrol engine. On a popular European hatchback, for example, the petrol version is $30,000 and the diesel version is $33,000 - a 10 per cent premium.
Will you get that money back in fuel-cost savings? That depends on the price of the fuel and how far you drive each year. The price of unleaded fuel rises and falls more sharply - and more often - because there is more demand. More than three quarters of all vehicles on the road run on unleaded.
Diesel, meanwhile, is mostly bought by big fleet operators and mining and industry contractors, who buy in bulk. In fact, only about 25 per cent of diesel sold in Australia is pumped through retail service stations. Less demand equals less competition, and less price fluctuation. In 2008 diesel was up to 40 cents per litre dearer than petrol, which made diesel a much less attractive option for the average motorist.
However in the first half of 2009 prices of both fuels have generally been on par, which meant diesel drivers were able to drive the same dollars further, putting them well in front. But this period of uncharacteristically cheap diesel was expected to be short-lived because the Global Financial Crisis had reduced demand in the mining and industry sectors, and this led to an oversupply of diesel.
With all of the above in mind, there is yet another factor to consider in the petrol versus diesel debate: emissions. Burning a litre of diesel creates 17 per cent more CO2 than burning a litre of petrol (2.7kg versus 2.3kg). But a litre of diesel can give a 25 to 30 per cent longer driving range than a petrol-powered car. This means that, on balance, diesel engines typically produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than petrol engines.
Sounds straightforward doesn’t it? Unfortunately we’re not done yet.
In recent times, we’ve been focussed on fuel economy and carbon dioxide emissions and patted ourselves on the back for knowing what the numbers mean (in both cases, low numbers are good). But this is only scratching the surface. If we dig a little deeper, there are more harmful emissions we should start to take more notice of.
Both petrol and diesel fuels produce emissions that are harmful to our health, but diesel is a more serious pollutant. Both fuels produce similar amounts of hydrocarbons, toxic air pollutants and carbon monoxide, but diesel produces significantly more oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter.
One example: the Mini Cooper diesel has a fuel economy rating of 3.9L/100km, the same as the petrol-powered Toyota Prius hybrid. But the Mini emits 56 times more oxides of nitrogen than does the Mini (0.003 versus 0.168).
The Federal Government’s Green Vehicle Guide says diesels are marked down because “their contribution to air pollution is generally higher than that of comparative petrol or LPG vehicles”. “Of most concern are particulate matter and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which can cause a range of adverse health effects. These emissions are generally higher in diesel vehicles compared with petrol or gas vehicles.”
The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change says particulate matter can “cause or aggravate: cardiac and respiratory disease, acute bronchitis in adults and children, reduced lung function and asthma attacks”.
It can also cause premature death for people with pre-existing heart and lung conditions. Oxides of nitrogen can restrict lung function and increase the chance of respiratory infections. Basically, unleaded fuel might be worse for the planet, but diesel fuel is worse for our health.
A June 2005 report by the Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics put the annual death toll from vehicle exhaust pollution at between 900 and 2000 people - more than the national road toll. “Diesel exhaust has been linked in numerous scientific studies to cancer, the exacerbation of asthma and other respiratory diseases,” the report says.
This is why the quality of diesel fuel itself has been forced to improve over the past decade and car makers have been forced to introduce particulate filters on diesel vehicles. Even more stringent restrictions are due in 2014.
Oddly, however, the next step in emissions standards, known as “Euro V” and due to come into effect in September 2009, will mean that diesel engines in passenger cars will be allowed to emit 180mg/km, while petrol-powered cars will only be allowed to emit 60mg/km.
To help meet these targets, there is a new generation of so-called “clean” diesel engines that run on a new generation of diesel fuel. The sulphur content of diesel dropped from 500 parts per million to 50ppm in 2006 and was due to fall again to 10ppm in 2009 (to bring Australia into line with European regulations), although this deadline has been extended.
But some experts are already beginning to question the effectiveness of the “cleaner” diesel, the new generation of particulate filters, and the way emissions are measured. Britain's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says ultra-fine particles may still be dangerous because they can dissolve in the lungs. Further, current vehicle emission and air quality measuring procedures are based on weight rather than surface area.
Ultra-fine particle emissions weigh very little but have a relatively enormous surface area when compared with larger coarse particles. A billion ultra-fine particles can weigh the same as one coarse particle, yet have 1000 times the surface area.
While this debate continues, sales of diesel cars are still growing in Australia. In the first six months of 2009, one in four of all new vehicles was powered by a diesel engine. A decade ago, diesel-powered vehicles accounted for one in 10.
But is this a good thing? Toyota, the world’s biggest car maker, believes petrol-electric hybrid power will ultimately replace diesel power because the emission restrictions on diesel vehicles will be so strict that they may be regulated and priced out of existence.
The theory is that by the time you take into account the cost of urea injection, which has to be filled up by the dealer between service intervals, the soot trap or particulate filter that has to be burned off by the dealers, as well as a NOx reduction catalyst and the cost of direct injection, a petrol-electric hybrid drivetrain would cost about the same or less than a diesel-powered car - and produce fewer emissions.
Furthermore, new technology petrol engines are starting to deliver diesel-like economy but with super-low NOx emissions. Europe’s biggest car maker Volkswagen is investing in small capacity turbocharged petrol engines, for example. Others are due to follow suit.
Other European brands, such as Mercedes-Benz and Peugeot, believe so-called “clean” diesel engines matched with hybrid electric motors are the way to go.
The final word goes to one seasoned motor industry insider: “When you have a fuel-burning car, you are always going to emit some form of poison from the tailpipe. It then becomes a case of choosing your poison”.
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