Vehicle GPS Tracking Systems
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How Does GPS Vehicle Tracking work?
GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the vehicle's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is? Now, with distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the vehicle's position and then relay that information via a GSM text message.

What is a GPS Tracking System?
A vehicle tracking system is an electronic device installed in a vehicle to enable the owner to track the vehicle's location. Most modern vehicle tracking systems use Global Positioning System or GPS. The Global Positioning System is a global navigation satellite system developed by the United States Department of Defense and managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing. Many systems also combine a communications component such as cellular or satellite transmitters to communicate the vehicle's location to a remote user.
Antitheft VT2 3G Vehicle Tracking System

Includes the powerful mobile APP and website - both FREE to use - NO EXTRA COST - NO FEES - NO CONTRACTS!
The mobile APP makes GPS tracking so easy as it can be used anywhere. It's not just a map showing
location - it's a powerful tool all controlled with your finger tips!
Where is it now?
Open the APP. Click "Real time" and the map shows where your vehicle is located.
Where was it?
History shows the route driven. Select 'play' and the screen shows the route from
beginning to end. Select any day from last 6 months.
Do you want to stop someone using the vehicle?
The PT890 includes immobilisation of the starter motor making the vehicle safe
and secure.
Got more than one vehicle?
We set your own username and password for access to the APP and website.
See all your vehicles at the same time (on APP or website). Select individual
vehicles to see more details. Packed with features See below for all the
features that make the PT890 an outstanding GPS tracker.
GPS Tracking Made Easy
Any other costs?
Yes......but they are minimal
The only costs not included are for the trackers SIM card charges.
This depends on whether you use a PrePay or a text/data plan. Best to discuss
with your preferred mobile provider.
Typical low costs using a PrePay SIM would be;
Private vehicle - $1.00 to $5.00 per month
Business vehicle, eg: sales rep' - $5.00 to $10.00 per month.
VT2 GSM Paging/Tracking System
• Locate/Track by SMS on GPS/3G/WCDMA 12-24V
• URL for Google Maps Position on Smart-Phones
• Remote Arm/Disarm/Lock/Unlock/Safe Immobilise
• Alarm Alerts for Alarm triggering, Cut-off Power, Low Back-up Battery, Over Speed, Moving, Geofence
• Voice Monitoring Function/Manual Panic Button
• Economical SIM Card Operation suggestions ALDI (Telstra Network) $15 per year on a prepaid if use not excessive (120 x SMS/1 min. calls per year)

The VT2 is a highly accurate real time GPS tracker which can be hardwired into your vehicle and its security system - if your car alarms siren sounds* or the vehicles battery runs low, it rings your mobile phone (as a warning only - no voice communication) and sends a text message with the nature of the alert as well as its geographical location. The VT2 is ideal for monitoring the location
and security of your prized possession by being notified direct to your mobile via SMS
and Phone Call. Best when wired to one of our alarm systems so that all sectors of the
vehicle are protected. Equipped with a built in microphone to listen in to the
vehicle and supplied with an AldiMobile sim card on the Telstra Network, you can
start tracking immediately.
The VT2 Can also be used as a REALTIME Data Logging Fleet Management System.
AnTrak Live Fleet Tracking System
• LIVE Tracking on Smart-Phones/Tablet/PC
• History/Times/Distances/Speed etc
• Multiple Vehicles (fleet) all on one Screen
• Free Smart-Phone App. (Android, iOS)
• Under 50 Cents a day for AnTRAK LIVE TRACK
$176 inc. gst per Vehicle per Year (AnT 1)
• For free DEMO download WIALON app. to your phone or go to <> & log in
Mongoose PT890 3G Vehicle Tracking System
Security In Motion
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